Beware the IDEs of Java (Part 2)

The JDEE supports many features of modern IDEs, including syntax highlighting, code formatting, code completion, code generation, and abbreviations. These features are customizable from the jde group, either with M-x customize-variable or M-x jde-customize-variable. The latter saves the setting to a project file for future sessions.

The following is a sample project file, prj.el. The JDEE searches up the current working directory for a project file named prj.el. If none exist, then the JDEE initializes with the default settings. If multiple project files exist, then the JDEE loads each one beginning with the topmost.

  (jde-project-file-version "1.0")
   '(jde-jdk-registry (quote (("1.6.0" . "$JAVA_HOME"))))
   '(jde-jdk (quote ("1.6.0")))
   '(jde-jdk-doc-url "")
   '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode t)
   '(jde-gen-k&r t)
   '(jde-gen-cflow-enable t)
   '(jde-complete-function (quote jde-complete-minibuf))
   '(jde-electric-return-p t)
   '(jde-import-auto-collapse-imports nil)
   '(jde-import-auto-sort t)
   '(jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer nil)
   '(jde-compiler (quote ("javac-server" "")))
   '(jde-compile-option-directory "./target/classes")
   '(jde-compile-option-deprecation t)
   '(jde-compile-option-debug t)
   '(jde-compile-option-verbose t)
   '(jde-build-function (quote jde-ant-build))
   '(jde-ant-home "$ANT_HOME")
   '(jde-ant-program "ant")
   '(jde-ant-buildfile "build.xml")
   '(jde-ant-read-buildfile nil)
   '(jde-ant-enable-find t)
   '(jde-ant-args "run")
   '(jde-run-working-directory ".")
   '(jde-run-application-class "com.wordpress.alepho.Main")
   '(jde-sourcepath (quote ("./src/main/java")))
   '(jde-global-classpath (quote ("./src/main/java" "./target/classes"))))
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